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Contributions to statistical methodology (147 items)

O'Quigley J. and Roberts A. (1980) Weibull : A regression model for survival time studies.
Comp Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 12, 14-18.

O'Quigley J. and Struthers L. (1982) Survival models based upon the logistic and log-logistic distributions. Comp Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 15, 3-12.

O'Quigley J. (1982)  Regression models and survival prediction.   Statistician 31, 106-116.

O'Quigley J. (1983)  Asymptotic confidence intervals for some measures used as prognostic indices.   Statistician  32, 351-352.

O'Quigley J. (1984)
Intervalles de confiance pour les estimations de courbes de survie à partir
du modèle de Cox. Revue de Statistique Appliquée 32, 39-45.

O'Quigley J. and Moreau T. (1984)
Testing the proportional hazards regression model against some general
alternatives.  Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique 4, 199-205.

Moreau T., O'Quigley J. and Mesbah M. (1984)  A goodness of fit statistic for the proportional hazards model.   Applied Statistics 34, 212-216.

O'Quigley J. and Baudoin C. (1985)  Null hypotheses and statistics.   Nature  316, 582.

Moreau T., O'Quigley J. and Lellouch J. (1986) Concerning Schoenfelds Chi-squared statistic for testing the proportional hazards assumption.   Biometrika  73, 513-515.

O'Quigley J. and Schwartz D. (1986) Comparaison de plusieurs pourcentages lorsque les effectifs théoriques sont faibles. Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique 34, 18-22.

O'Quigley J. (1986) Confidence intervals for survival estimates incorporating covariate
information. Biometrics 42, 219-220.

O'Quigley J. and Moreau T. (1986) Cox's Regression Model : Computing a goodness of fit statistic.  Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 22, 253-256.

O'Quigley J. (1986) The chi-squared approximation in the comparison of several proportions.
Statistician 35, 389-392.
O'Quigley J. (1988)  Mesures non gaussiennes de corrélation.
Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique  Vol. 36, 43-50.
O'Quigley J. and Moreau T. (1987)  Updating prognostic indices via regression models.
Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis 3, 227-236.

O'Quigley J. and Baudoin C. (1988) 
General approaches to the problem of bioequivalence.   Statistician 37, 51-58.

Kent J. and O'Quigley J. (1988)
Measures of dependence for censored survival data.  Biometrika 75, 525-534.
O'Quigley J. and Pessione F. (1989)  Score tests for homogeneity of regression effect in the proportional hazards model.  Biometrics 45, 135-144.

O'Quigley J., Ward P. and Nash R. (1989)  Estimating the size of the dividing stem cell pool after allogeneic bone marrow  transplantation. J. Theoretical Biology 141, 73-79.

O'Quigley J. (1989)  La conduite et l'analyse des essais cliniques de phase 1.
Informatique et Santé 2, 27-34.

O'Quigley J., Pepe M. and Fisher L. (1990)   Continual Reassessment Method; a practical design for Phase 1 clinical studies in cancer.  Biometrics 46, No 1. 33-48.

O'Quigley J. and Prentice R. L. (1991) Non parametric tests of association between survival time and continuously measured covariates; the logit-rank and associated procedures.
Biometrics 47, 117-127.

O'Quigley J. and Pessione F. (1991) The problem of a covariate-time qualitative interaction in a survival study.   Biometrics 47, 101-115.

O'Quigley J. (1992)  Estimating the binomial parameter n on the basis of known and observed proportions.   Applied Statistics. 41, 173-180.

Pessione F. and O'Quigley J. (1990)  Homogeneity of relative risk against two step alternatives.  Comp. Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 33, 87-92.

O'Quigley J. and Chevret S. (1990) Continual reassessment models in Phase 1 clinical trials in cancer.  Controlled Clinical Trials.  11, 254.

O'Quigley J. and Chevret S. (1991)  Methods for dose finding studies in cancer clinical trials.
Statistics in Medicine. 10, 1647-1664.

Thomas G. and O'Quigley J. (1992) A characterization of partial correlation via spherical triangles.   American Statistician. 47, 30-32.
O'Quigley J. (1992) Estimating the probability of toxicity at the recommended dose following a  Phase I clinical trial in cancer.  Biometrics  48, 853-862.
O'Quigley J. and Flandre P. (1994) The predictive capability of proportional hazards regression.  Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 91, 2310-2314.

O'Quigley J. (1994) Two sided tests for crossing hazards.  J. Roy. Statist. Soc (D), 43 563-69

Bensadon M. and O'Quigley J. (1994) Integral evaluation for Continual Reassessment Method.  Computer Methods in Biomedicine 42, 271-273

Baudoin C. and O'Quigley J. (1994)  Symmetric intervals and confidence intervals.
Biometrical  Journal. 36, 927-934.

O'Quigley J. (1995)  Daniels association measures under right censoring.
Appl. Stochastic Models and Data Analysis. 11, 109-119.

Flandre P. and O'Quigley J. (1995)  A two stage design with surrogate endpoints for survival studies.  Biometrics.  51, 969-976.
O’Quigley J. and Shen L. Z. (1996)  Continual Reassessment Method:A likelihood

approach. Biometrics 52, 163-174.   

Shen L.Z. and O'Quigley J. (1996)
Consistency of continual reassessment method in dose finding studies.  Biometrika, 83, 395-406. 
Xu Ronghui and O'Quigley J. (1998)
Estimating Average Log Relative Risk Under Nonproportional
Hazards.  ASA Proceedings of the Biometrics Section,  216-221.

O'Quigley J.  and Xu Ronghui (1998)
Goodness of fit in survival analysis.  Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, Wiley, 1731-45.

O'Quigley J. and Reiner E. (1998)
A stopping rule for the continual reassessment method.   Biometrika 85, 741-48.

O'Quigley J., Flandre P., and Reiner E. (1999)  Large sample theory for Schemper's measures of explained variation in the Cox model. J. Roy. Statist. Soc (D) 48, 53-62.

Contal, C. and O'Quigley J. (1999)  Evaluating the effect of age on survival in breast cancer using changepoint methods.  Comp. Statist. and Data Analysis, 30, 253-270.

O'Quigley J., Xu, R., Blin P. and Charpak Y. (1999) Interphase clinical trials.
Biometrical  J. 41, 773-782.

Xu Ronghui. and O'Quigley J. (1999) A measure of dependence for proportional hazards models. 

J. Nonparam. Statist. 12, 83-107.

Reiner E., Paoletti X. and O'Quigley J. (1999) Errors due to stopping rules in Phase I cancer trials.  Comp. Statist. and Data Analysis, 30, 303-315.

O'Quigley J. (1999) Another look at two Phase I clinical trial designs (with commentary).
Statist. in Medicine. 18, 2683-92.

O'Quigley J., Shen, L. and Gamst., A. (1999) Two sample continual reassessment method.
J. Biopharm. Statist. 9, 17-44.

Paoletti X. and O'Quigley J. (1999) Two stage two sample CRM. Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology  85, 33-35.

Shen L. and O'Quigley J. (2000) Using a One-parameter model to Sequentially Estimate the Root of a Regression Function    Comp. Statist. & Data Analysis,  34, 357-69.

Xu R. and O'Quigley J. (2000) Estimating average regression effect in non proportional hazards regression.   Biostatistics 1, 423-439.

Xu R. and O'Quigley J.  (2000) Proportional hazards estimate of the conditional survival function.   J. Roy. Statist. Soc. (Series B), 62, 667-680.

O'Quigley J. and Xu, Ronghui (2000) Inference for the Cox model under proportional and non proportional hazards. New Approaches in Applied Statistics. 16, (Eds: A. Ferligoj and A. Mrvar), 3-19.

O'Quigley J. (2001) Continual Reassessment Method in Cancer Clinical Trials. Handbook of Statistics in Clinical Oncology. 35-72; (Eds: John Crowley), Marcel Dekker, New York.

O'Quigley J. and Xu, R. (2001) Explained Variation in Proportional Hazards Regression. Handbook of Statistics in Clinical Oncology. 397-409; (Eds: John Crowley), Marcel Dekker.

O'Quigley J., Hughes, M. and Fenton, T. (2001) Dose finding designs for HIV studies. Biometrics  57, 1018-29.

O'Quigley J., Paoletti, X. and Maccario, J. (2002) Non-parametric optimal design in dose finding studies.  Biostatistics 3, 51-56.

O'Quigley J. (2002) Continual reassessment designs with early termination.    Biostatistics 3, 87-99.

O'Quigley J. (2002) Curve free and model based CRM designs.   Biometrics 58, 77-81.

O'Quigley J. and Stare, J. (2002) Proportional hazards models with frailties and random effects.  Statist. in Med. 21, 3219-3233.

Natarajan, L. and O'Quigley J. (2002) Predictive capability of stratified proportional hazards models.  J. Appl. Statist.  29, 1153-1163.

O'Quigley J. and Stare. J. (2003) Cumulative empirical processes for survival models. Proceedings of 25th Int. Conf. Information Technology Interfaces, 205-210.

O'Quigley J. (2003) A Khmaladze Type Graphical Evaluation of the Proportional Hazards Assumption.   Biometrika  90, 577-84.

O'Quigley J. and Paoletti, X. (2003) Continual reassessment method for ordered groups.

Biometrics 59, 429-39.

Natarajan, L. and O'Quigley J. (2003) Interval estimates of the probability of toxicity at the maximum tolerated dose for small samples. Statist. in Med. 22, 1829-36.

Paoletti, X. and O'Quigley J.and Maccario, J.  (2004)  Design efficiency in dose finding studies. Comp. Statist. and Data Analysis 45, 197-214.

O'Quigley J. and Natarajan, L. (2004) Erosion of regression effect in a survival study. Biometrics 60, 344-51.

Stare, J. and O'Quigley J. (2004) Fit and frailties in proportional hazards regression.
Biometrical Journal 47, 157-164.

O'Quigley J. (2005) Phase I and Phase I/II dose finding algorithms using the continual reassessment method.  Handbook of Statistics in Clinical Oncology. 2nd Edition.
(Eds: John Crowley), Marcel Dekker, New York.

O'Quigley J. and Xu, R. (2005) Explained Variation in Proportional Hazards Regression. Handbook of Statistics in Clinical Oncology. 2nd Edition. (Eds: John Crowley), Marcel Dekker, New York.

O'Quigley J., Xu, R. and Stare, J. (2005) Explained randomness in proportional hazards models. Statist. in Med. Vol 24, 479-89.

O'Quigley J. (2005) Retrospective analysis of sequential dose finding designs.
Biometrics 61, 749-56.

O'Quigley J. (2006) Theoretical study of the continual reassessment method. J. Statist. Planning. Inference.  136, 1765-80.

O'Quigley J. and Flandre P. (2006) Quantification of the Prentice Criteria for Surrogate Endpoints.  Biometrics 62, 297-300.

O'Quigley J. and Zohar, S. (2006)  Experimental designs for Phase I and Phase I/II dose finding studies. British J. Cancer 94, 609-13.

Zohar S. and O'Quigley J. (2006) Identifying the most successful dose (MSD) in dose-finding studies in cancer. Pharmaceutical. Statist. 5, 187-99.

Zohar S. and O'Quigley J. (2006) Optimal designs for identifying the most successful dose (MSD).  Statist. in Med. 25, 4311-20.

Flandre P. and O'Quigley J. (2007) Predictive strength of Jonckheere's test for trend: An application to genotypic scores in HIV infection.  Statist. in Med. 26, 4441-54.

O’Quigley, J. (2007) Review of Statistical Methods for Dose Finding Experiments. Biometrics 63, 1301-02.

Liu L., Huang  Z. and O'Quigley J. (2008)  Analysis of longitudinal data in the presence of informative observational times and a dependent terminal event, with application to medical cost data.  Biometrics 64, 950-58.

Shu J. and O'Quigley J. (2008) Dose escalation designs in oncology: ADEPT and CRM.
Statist. in Med. 27, 5345-53.

O'Quigley J. and Zohar S. (2008) Identifying the most successful dose (MSD) in dose-finding studies.   Encyclopedia of Clinical Trials. Wiley. 378-82.

O'Quigley J. (2008) Regression models to incorporate patient heterogeneity
Encylopedia of Clinical Trials. Wiley. 101-05.

Liu  L., Ma J. and O'Quigley J. (2008)  Joint analysis of multi-level repeated measures data and survival: application to end stage renal disease.  Statist. in Med. 27, 5679-91.

O'Quigley J. and Wages N. (2008) Dose escalation guided by graded toxicities.
Encyclopedia of Clinical Trials. Wiley. 

Zohar, S. and O'Quigley J. (2009) Dose escalation methods in Phase I clinical trials.
J. Nat. Cancer. Instit.  101 1732-33.

O’Quigley, J. (2009) Commentary on designs for dose escalation trials with quantitative responses. Statist. in Med 28, 3745-50.

Zohar, S. and O'Quigley J. (2009) Sensitivity of dose-finding studies to observation errors. Cont. Clinical Trials. 30, 523-30.

O'Quigley J, and Zohar, S. (2010) Retrospective Robustness of the Continual Reassessment Method.   J. Biopharm. Statist. 20, 1013-25.

O'Quigley J. (2010) Dynamic equilibrium of reconstituting hematopoietic stem cell
populations.  J. Bioinformatics and Comp. Biology. Vol 8, No. 6, 1041-51,

O'Quigley J. and Conaway, M. (2010) Continual reassessment and related dose-finding designs.  Statistical Science 25,  202-16.

O'Quigley J. and Conaway, M. (2011) Extended model based designs for more complex dose finding studies.  Statist. in Med 30, 2062-69.

Iasonos, A. and O'Quigley J. (2011) Continual reassessment type designs in dose finding studies.  Statist. in Med 30, 2057-61. 

O'Quigley J., Hughes, M., Fenton, T. and Pei L. (2010) Dynamic calibration of pharmacokinetic parameters in dose finding studies.    Biostatistics 11, 537-45.

Daimon, T., Zohar, S. and O'Quigley J. (2010)  Posterior maximization and averaging for Bayesian working model choice in the continual reassessment method. 
Statist. in Med.  30, 1563-73.  

Wages N., Conaway M. and O'Quigley J. (2011) Dose-finding designs for multi-drug combinations. Clinical Trials 8, 380-89. 

Wages N., Conaway M. and O'Quigley J. (2011)  Continual reassessment method for partial ordering.  Biometrics 67, 1555-63.

Iasonos, A., Zohar, S. and O’Quigley, J. (2011) Incorporating lower grade toxicity information into dose finding designs. Clinical Trials  8, 370-79.

O'Quigley J. and Flandre P. (2011)  Discussion of meta-analysis for surrogacy: accelerated failure time modeling and semi-competing risks.  Biometrics 68, 242-44.

Zohar, S., Katsahian, S. and O'Quigley J. (2011) An approach to meta-analysis for dose-finding studies. Statist. in Med. 30,  2109-2116. 

O'Quigley J. and Iasonos, A. (2011) Dose finding designs based on the continual reassessment method. Handbook of Statistics in Clinical Oncology. 3rd Edition. (Eds: John Crowley),  Marcel Dekker, New York.

Chen, J., Liu, L., Johnson, B. and O'Quigley J. (2011) New estimation method for nonparametric mixed models, with application to alcohol treatment research. Statist in Med.

Chen, J., Johnson, B., Wang, X., O'Quigley, J., Isaac M, and Liu, L. (2011) Trajectory
analyses in alcohol treatment research.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 36, 1442-48. 

Liu, L., Strawderman, R. L.,, Johnson, B. and  O'Quigley, J. (2012)  Analyzing repeated measures semi-continuous data, with application to an alcohol dependence study.
Statistical Methods in Medical Research  21 (in press, 
April 2, 2012 as doi:10.1177/0962280212443324) 

O’Quigley, J. (2012) Survival model inference using functions of brownian motion.
Applied Mathematics Vol. 3, No 6. 641-651. 

O’Quigley, J. (2012) Dose finding bridging designs: asymptotic theory.
Annals of Instit. Statist..U. of Paris (in press)

Wages, N., Liu, L., O'Quigley, J. and Johnson, B. (2012) Obtaining the Optimal Dose in Alcohol Dependence Studies.   Frontiers in Psychiatry  doi:  10.3389/fpsyt.2012.00100

Iasonos, A. and O’Quigley, J.  (2012) Interplay of priors and skeletons in model based dose finding studies. Statist. In Med 31, 4321-4336.

Iasonos A, Gounder M, Spriggs, D. Gerecitano. J.,  Zohar, S. and O’Quigley, J.  (2012) The impact of non-drug-related toxicities on the estimation of the maximum tolerated dose in phase I trials. Clinical. Cancer Research. 18, 5179-5187, 

Chen, J., Liu, L, Johnson, B and O’Quigley, J. (2013)    Penalized Likelihood Estimation for Semiparametric Mixed Models, With Application to Alcohol Treatment Research.

Statist in Med 33, 335-346.
O'Quigley, J.  (2013)  Efficiency of Bridging Between Related Dose Finding Studies. Compte Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences (Mathématiques)   Vol 351, 401-404. ​

O’Quigley, J. and Xu, R. (2013)  Robustness of Proportional Hazards Regression. Handbook of Survival Analysis. 323-39. Chapman and Hall, .
Wages, N., Conaway, M. and O'Quigley, J. (2013) Performance of two-stage continual reassessment method relative to an optimal benchmark, Clinical Trials. 10, 862-75.


Wages N., Conaway M. and O'Quigley J. (2013)  Using the TITE-CRM in the presence of partial orders. Statist. in Med 32, 131-141. 


Wages N., O'Quigley J. and Conaway, M. (2014)  Phase I design for completely or partially ordered treatment schedules. Statist. in Med 33, 569-79. 


Iasonos, A. and O’Quigley, J.  (2013)  Design considerations for dose-expansion cohorts in Phase I trials. Journal of Clinical Oncology 31 ,  4014-21.


Iasonos, A. and O’Quigley, J.  (2014)  Adaptive dose finding studies: A review of model-guided Phase I clinical trials.  Journal of Clinical Oncology 32 ,  2505-11.


Iasonos, A. and O'Quigley, J. (2014)  Bridging solutions in dose-finding problems. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research.  Vol 6,  185-97.


Wages, N., Conaway, M. and O’Quigley, J. (2014) On a dose finding approach based on shrunken predictive probability for combinations of two agents in Phase I trials. Statist in Med. 33, 2156-58.


Chauvel, C. and O’Quigley, J.  (2014)  Tests for comparing estimated survival functions. Biometrika 101, 535-52.


Salter, A., O’Quigley, J., Cutter, G. and Aban, I. (2015) Two group time-to-event continual reassessment method using likelihood estimation. Cont. Clinical Trials. 33, 340-45.


Iasonos, A. and O’Quigley, J.  (2015)  Early phase clinical trials: are dose expansion cohorts needed?  Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology 12 ,  626-28.


Iasonos, A. and O’Quigley, J.  (2015)  Dose expansion cohorts in Phase I clinical trials. Statistics in Biopharm Res.  7,  161-170.

Iasonos, A. and O’Quigley, J.  (2016)  Integrating the escalation and dose expansion studies into a unified Phase I clinical trial.   Cont. Clinical Trials.  Vol 50, 124-34. 


Iasonos, A.; Wages, N., Conaway, M. Cheung K., Yuan, Y. and O’Quigley, J.  (2016)  Dimension of model parameter space and operating characteristics in adaptive dose finding studies.  Statist. in Med.  Vol 35, 3760-75. 

Iasonos, A. and O’Quigley, J.  (2017)  Early phase dose finding methodology. Editorial. Statist. in Med. Vol 36 ,  201-03.  

Iasonos, A. and O’Quigley, J.  (2017)  Phase 1 designs that allow for uncertainty in the attribution of adverse events.

J. Royal. Statist. Soc (Series C)  Vol 66, 1015-30. 


Iasonos, A. and O’Quigley, J.  (2017)  Sequental monitoring of Phase I dose expansion cohorts.   Statist. In Med. Vol 36 ,  204-14. 

Chauvel, C. and O’Quigley, J.  (2017)  Survival model construction guided by fit and predictive strength. Biometrics Vol 73, 483-94.     

Flandre, P., Deutsch, R. and O’Quigley, J. (2017) Accuracy of predictive ability measures for survival models. Statist. in Med. Vol 36.  3171-80.   

Yap, C., Billingham, L., Cheung, K., Craddock, C. and O’Quigley, J.  (2017)  Dose transition pathways: The missing link between complex dose finding designs and simple decision making.   Clinical Cancer Res. Vol 15 ,  7440-47. 

O’Quigley, J.  (2017) Faulty BRCA1, BRCA2 genes: how poor is the prognosis? 
Annals of Epidemiology. Vol 27, 672-76.   

Clertant M. and O’Quigley, J.  (2017)  Semi-parametric dose finding methods.   

J. Royal. Statist. Soc (Series B)  Vol 79, 1487-1508.   

Clertant, M. and O’Quigley, J.  (2018)  Semi-parametric dose finding methods: Case studies.

J. Royal. Statist. Soc. (Series C)   Vol 68,  (in press) 

Clertant, M. and O’Quigley, J.  (2018)  The role of minimal sets in early phase dose finding studies.  

J. Nonparam. Statistics  Vol 30, 1016-31.

Flandre, P. and O’Quigley, J.  (2019)  Comparing Kaplan-Meier curves with delayed treatment effects. 

J. Royal. Statist. Soc. (Series C)   Vol 68,  (in press) 

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